Kerrymaid Grated Red is extremely versatile and helps save time in the kitchen by providing chefs with a more even melt.
Kerrymaid Grated Red can be used as a topping, sandwich filling and as a key ingredient in dishes such as pasta and moussaka
Designed to withstand intense
heat and melts evenely with no
listering or browning spots.
Any information supplied by Lynas Foodservice in relation to food legislation or contents is intended to act as a guide. It is not a legal interpretation nor does it constitute legal or professional advice. It is the responsibility of individual food business operators to ensure full compliance with the law.
Any information supplied by Lynas Foodservice in relation to food legislation or contents is intended to act as a guide. It is not a legal interpretation nor does it constitute legal or professional advice. It is the responsibility of individual food business operators to ensure full compliance with the law.